South Africa2021-06-20T08:24:02+00:00

The Southern tip of the black continent belongs to South Africa, the “little Europe of Africa”. This cultural and natural diverse and different country is one of the most visited destinations, and this by all kinds of travelers. But what makes this country so attractive for visitors? Most of all, for traveling and planning a trip this is probably the easiest country and has a lot to offer, enough material to create memories. There is something for every traveler here.

Ones footsteps, or rather, tire tracks, certainly lead to the most famous Kruger national park in the country´s East. Easy safari where you can see a lot of wildlife. After having a swim in the Indian ocean you could climb the Drakensberg mountains and go on a few hikes up there. There are beautiful spots scattered all over this country, connected by a fairly good road system. Why not start in the east and finish on the Table Mountain in the west with a view over Cape Town and the Atlantic ocean?

Culture, museums, historical monuments, sights, plenty of adrenaline filled activities, language courses, survival courses, bungee jumping, canoeing, riding, diving, flying, safaris – and that is just a fraction of what can be found here.

Do you just want to read about South Africa or would you like to experience it? Contact us, we will introduce you to a unique scenery, interesting people and unforgettable experiences.

Swaziland – eSwatini

At the Mozambican border there lies a little kingdom – eSwatini, and it certainly invites for a visit. The second smallest country of Africa, very rich in culture and history, lies a stone´s throw away from Kruger National Park. Don´t leave this country away, you can find a few treasures here and easily fill your itinerary – if you like activities and meeting locals, that is. You can find festivals all year round, most of these haven´t changed in 200 years, except for sun glasses and a mobile phone perhaps. Traditional colourful sarongs, a happy mood, dancing and music fill the villages and towns. It is such a sight to behold, one of these festivities just on the “other side of South Africa”. One day, look for the Big 5, the next day, go dancing with the locals at the Reed Dance, then go on a hike, see the world from nearly a bird´s eye view. Anybody missing adrenaline? Well, then hang into a zip line or a flying fox! The roads here are lined with colourful markets, with huge avocadoes, vegetables and lots of handmade artefacts and local products. Do you know that video of drunk animals like elephants or monkeys? Well, they ate fermented marula fruits – here in eSwatini it is a big event to harvest marula, they turn it into beer, liquor, oil, skin products, soap and much more.


The Kingdom of Lesotho

In the same heart of South Africa, high up in the Drakensberg, the dragon mountains, more than 1000m above sea level, lies a the smallest African kingdom. Time stands still here and this country has something to offer for the adventurous, in winter even with snow and gloves! Take your skis, you may need them! A normal 2×4 may not the best choice, rather choose a horse´s back and have a closer look at local life. A beautiful mountain scenery surrounds the intrepid traveler and offers a very authentic little country with a tough lifestyle.

Travelling in the country:

South Africa is the easiest destination for your first experience with Africa. Everything is reachable and available. In the surrounding countries, we recommend a 4×4, here in South Africa you don´t really need one. The whole country has a very good tarmac interstate network of all kinds of quality. Of course, for the more adventurous ones, there are still offroad tracks. Would you like to experience a proper safari? No problem, most of South Africa´s National Parks can be done in a normal car. A similar scenario applies to eSwatini as well, only for Lesotho we recommend better preparations and a reliable 4×4.

Do you need to know more about planning a trip through South Africa, Lesotho and eSwatini? You can download our little mini guide on this website, it may help you with your own expedition.

Our Expeditions:

ANGOLA Adventures

Date: April 2024

Days: 21 days

Difficulty: Active

Empty Spaces: 2/8

Guiding Fee: 799 EUR*

*Plus travel costs

An expedition into this country full of spectacular scenery and friendly locals! Angola is genuine Africa without filters!

details & Sign up


Date: May 2024

Days: 17 days

Difficulty: Active

Empty Spaces: 8/8

Guide Fee: 600 EUR*

*Plus travel costs

An expedition full of surprises – breathtaking scenery, wildlife and iconic sand dunes!

details & Sign up


Date: October 2024

Days: 18 days

Difficulty: Active

Empty Spaces: 5/10

Guide Fee: 700 EUR*

*Plus travel costs

The land of orange dunes and wide open plains and panoramas should not be missed. We offer an offroad-outdoor expedition to encounter its culture, history and wildlife.

details & sign up


Date: February 2024

Days: 15 days (plus extension)

Difficulty: Active

Empty Spaces: 2/10

Guide Fee: 250 EUR*

*Plus travel costs

This is where the eternal winds blow and the sand whispers. Touaregs, Bedouins and camel caravans – this is Sahara at its best!

details & sign up


Date: November 2024

Days: 21 days

Difficulty: medium

Empty Spaces: 2/10

Guide Fee: 700 EUR*

*Plus travel costs

This expedition leads us to the world´s largest mammal migration – the fruitbat migration in Zambia´s East. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

details & sign up


Date: Let us know

Days: Tell us your plans

Difficulty: Active Discovery

Empty Spaces: 2/10

Guide Fee: on request*

*Plus travel costs

Would you prefer to drive your own vehicle, to have all the offroad fun but you would appreciate a knowledgeable and experienced offroad guide with you? Then let´s make a plan together. We plan, organize and guide your fantastic self-drive adventure!

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Make your own Expedition!

Date: your choice

Days: your choice

Difficulty: Active Discovery

Empty Spaces: 10/10

Guide Fee: let´s talk*

*Plus travel costs

Are you a group of friends with your own ideas? Are you looking for a professional guide? We are here for you and do everything for your adventure to be an unforgettable one!

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